Curriculum Revision Process of MATATAG Curriculum

The MATATAG curriculum was introduced in an effort to overcome the shortcomings of the K—10 curriculum in the Philippines. It was seen that the average Filipino student did not perform as well as other students when compared to students on an international level.

The curriculum revision process was a comprehensive effort to develop an effective and relevant learning experience for Filipino students. Not only does it focus on academic excellence but it works towards creating an all-rounder student – one who can excel professionally and be socially responsible and patriotic.

The curriculum revision process did not happen overnight. It took years to devise the curriculum and will take years to implement it.

Curriculum Revision Process of MATATAG Curriculum

Flowchart of MATATAG Curriculum Revision Process

Curriculum Revision Process of MATATAG Curriculum Flowchart

1. Curriculum Review

The ACTRC (Assessment Curriculum and Technology Research Center) along with the DepEd (Department of Education of the Philippines) conducted a detailed review of the K-12 curriculum. This was done as a response to the complaints that the Filipino students were below average in the international education sector.

DepEd then came up with the MATATAG curriculum instructional design framework as a response to the concerns regarding the effectiveness and credibility of the education sector.

The review established many areas of concerns, namely:

  • Over congested curriculum
  • Less focus on developing core skills like mathematics and literacy.
  • Misalignment of skills
  • No concept of patriotism, social awareness, critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Overfocus on academic achievements.

2. Expert Advice and Consultation

DepEd did not act solely on what they thought was right. Expert advice was centre-stage in developing the MATATAG curriculum. More than 1100 experts in the education sector were approached. Their valuable recommendations and insights were taken to establish a pool of options for the curriculum.

3. Content Decongestion

The first priority of the revised curriculum was decongesting the content. The sheer number of subjects and content material was too much for students to digest. Moreover, the relevant skills were aligned to make sure that each student got a focused and balanced learning experience.

4. Skill Integration

The MATATAG curriculum understands the importance of 21st-century skills. These skills include:

  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity and
  • Collaboration

These skills form an integral part of the MATATAG curriculum.

5. Focus on Values Education

The revised MATATAG curriculum guide places an emphasis on values education. The curriculum believes that an individual without a strong moral character can’t excel in life. For that, subjects like Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) have been introduced.

6. Public Consultation

The draft of the revised curriculum was shown to the public for feedback and review. Almost 5000 people took part in the consultation process and gave their feedback. The feedback was further used to refine the MATATAG curriculum.

7. Implementation

Once the revisions process was complete, the draft approved and the MATATAG curriculum established, the implementation process started.

The MATATAG curriculum is going to be properly implemented in batches. 2024-2025 saw the implementation of phase 1 – Kindergarten, Grades 1, 4 and 7.

In 2026-2027, the next phase will be implemented. The curriculum will be completely implemented by 2028.

8. MATATAG Curriculum Revision

The reason for phased implementation is two-fold. Firstly, implementing it in batches will allow for a smoother and more effective implementation. If the curriculum is implemented in all the grades together, it might cause confusion.

Secondly, a phased implementation allows for feedback at every stage. Once 2024 ends, it will allow the experts to get feedback, see the progress and further revise the curriculum if needed.


The MATATAG curriculum was introduced after a proper revision process. DepED aimed to create a high-quality system of education for Filipino students to equip them with the challenges of the 21st century and to help them excel.

The curriculum aims to provide relevant, top-quality, inclusive and effective educations for all the Filipino students. Through continuous revision process and adoption of cutting-edge teaching methodologies, it stives to equip students with skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the future.

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