MATATAG Curriculum Overview 2025 – New Comprehensive Guide

The MATATAG Curriculum is the latest educational framework that will be followed in all the educational institutions of Philippines.

The Department of Education in the Philippines (DEPED) launches MATATAG curriculum to make sure that their education system is producing well-rounded people who can face all the challenges of work and life. For that, the curriculum reduces academic pressure, focuses on critical thinking, digital literacy and creativity.

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What is MATATAG Curriculum of DepEd?

MATATAG is a revised K to 10 curriculum that was introduced on August 10, 2023 by the Department of Education (DepEd) in Philippines. It is part of the K to 12 Education Program.

Over the last decade, the Philippine education system has faced significant criticism due to the poor performance of Filipinos in global assessments.

In 2018, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ranked Philippines last in Math, Science, and reading comprehension. The 2019 Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics ranked the country near the bottom compared to its neighbors like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

A 2022 report by the World Bank further revealed that 91% of Filipino 10-year-olds struggled with basic reading comprehension. Even Philippines top universities have struggled to achieve competitive global standings. These alarming trends highlighted a pressing need for educational reform.

The new curriculum aims to address these critical issues and bring meaningful improvements to the Philippine education system.

The idea behind the curriculum was to present to the world an all-rounder. A person who does not only excel in studies but can think critically and creatively. A person who is committed to serving the community, country and even the planet.

MATATAG Curriculum

What is the Meaning of MATATAG?

MATATAG stands for:

  • Makabansa (for the country)
  • Akatao (representing humanity)
  • Takalikasan (for nature/God)

Keeping the above in mind, MATATAG prepares a student who is dedicated to meeting his/her goals while keeping the country and humanity in mind.

This phrase shows a nation that wants to excel and move forward understands the importance of its youth. Your youth should be encouraged to be proud of who they are and to take responsibility of the nation. There is no doubt about the fact that the younger generation will emerge as leaders. If we invest in them today, they will be successful in the future.

DepEd MATATAG Curriculum Logo

What are the Four Components of the MATATAG?

MATATAG is the acronym for the following:

  • Ma – Make the curriculum up-to-date to ensure the production of active, job-ready, responsible and competent citizens;
  • TA – Take the necessary steps to speed up providing basic education to the students;
  • TA – Take care of the students by making sure that the learning environment is inclusive and positive; and
  • G – Give the necessary support to instructors and teachers to ensure they teach better.

Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum

DepEd understood that rushing into implementing the MATATAG would not be a good idea. To bring about such a huge academic change needs time. Therefore, the curriculum is being introduced in phases. A detailed phase implementation chart of the curriculum is provided below.

The first phase of the implementation process started in 2024. The focus was on the lower grades which included Kindergarten, Grade 1, 4 and 7. One does not understand the implementation process at first glance. If you look closely, you can see that Grade 1 will be going to Grade 2 in 2025. Similarly, Grade 4 will shift to Grade 5 and Grade 7 will be promoted to grade 8.

Therefore, in 2025-2026, the next phase of the implementation program will start.

Changes to this curriculum will continue in 2026-2027 for Grades 3,6 and 9. Lastly, in 2027-2028, the curriculum will change for Grade 10.

According to the DepED, the MATATAG will completely be implemented between 2027 and 2028. In 2024-2025, the focus is on the lower grades including the kindergarten MATATAG. Slowly, changes will be brought to the higher grades and by 2028, the k-10 MATATAG curriculum will be implemented all over the Philippines.

It will be done in the following parts:

  • The Regional Offices will oversee the implementation at their level.
  • The School Division Offices will see the implementation at the school level.
MATATAG Curriculum Implementation

Salient Features of the MATATAG Curriculum

Here are salient features of MATATAG.

MATATAG was not introduced just as a new curriculum for the sake of it. Unlike former curriculums like the MATATAG k to 10, it is a life-changing experience for the students. Traditional and foundation subjects like Mathematics, social studies and science are given due importance under the DepED MATATAG curriculum.

Along with these foundation subjects, emphasis is laid on encouraging learning, creativity, critical thinking, logical reasoning and hands-on learning under the STEM education system. It stands for:

However, this is not all. It is not restricted to learning these subjects only. The MAPEH (Music, Art, Physical Education and Health) is also given importance in this curriculum. MATATAG’s curriculum of music and arts introduces students to the beautiful and culturally rich heritage of the Philippines.

There is no one teaching method that is right for all teachers or one learning method that is right for all students. This curriculum has reformed and transformed this thinking. It will ensure that all the learners learn at their own pace. Each student should be provided a learning style that they are comfortable with and which they understand.

By fostering a personalized learning experience for each student, the curriculum ensures that no one is left behind!

The grading system for MATATAG has also been revised. Written exams should not be the only source of evaluating how much a student knows.

Traditional examination is coupled with assessments like regular formative assessments that help monitor how well a student is doing.

It also helps give feedback so they can improve over the year instead of waiting for the end-of-term exams to evaluate them. Secondly, there is an option of encouraging the students to self-assess.

Through reflection and self-assessment, the students will be able to recognize where they stand. Lastly, summative assessments should also be done against the traditional learning standards.

To know that the teachers are unpacking learning competencies in MATATAG, it is important to shift from the old medium of teaching and introduce new teaching methods.

The IDF (Instructional Design Framework) comes under the DEPED MATATAG curriculum guide and states that teachers stop delivering passive lessons. Rather, they should engage the students during class.

Methods that relate to students and help them understand the concepts should be followed. The role of a teacher is more of a facilitator in this.

MATATAG Curriculum Subjects

If you’re curious about the MATATAG in the Philippines or want to know more about its subjects, this section is a must-read.

The 5 subjects of MATATAG curriculum are:

  • Language
  • Reading and Literacy
  • Makabansa
  • Mathematics
  • GMRC – good manners and Right conduct.

These are the compulsory subjects for grade 1. In higher grades, the following subjects are added.

  • Filipino
  • English

Through the MAPEH program students will get acquainted with music and arts.

MATATAG Curriculum Subjects

K to 10 DepEd MATATAG Curriculum Guide

According to studies, the Philippines was facing “Learning Losses” as its students did not match the skills and competencies of the international students.

It was seen that the problem was not in the students, rather the curriculum needed to be revised. So, it was revised from the kinder subjects in MATATAG till the 10th grade. Collectively, it is called the MATATAG k-10 curriculum. The salient features of the curriculum include:

  • Lessening the burden on Grades 1 and 2 by cutting down subjects from 7 to 5 subjects.
  • Focusing on skill-based learning
  • All-inclusive learning environment.

DepEd has also shared a detailed curriculum guide  learning standards, teaching strategies, and competencies grade by grade.

Download DepEd MATATAG Curriculum Guide for all grades

Download DepEd MATATAG Curriculum Lesson Plan

Click here for MATATAG Sample Class Program for all grades

Click here for MATATAG Curriculum Time Allotment Per Subject List

Purpose of the MATATAG Curriculum

So far, it has been established that the this Filipino curriculum came as an improvement to the already existing K 12 and its predecessor: K-10 MATATAG curriculum. However, it is not limited to just that.

There are other reasons for the curriculum that make it different and better than the k-10 MATATAG and the K12. Some of them are:

The fact that Filipino students were not matching the competencies of the international students led DepEd to see where they were lacking.  The first and foremost purpose of the MATATAG DepEd was to improve the overall learning experience of the students. This will be done by revamping the traditional curriculum by changing the method of imparting knowledge.

Hence, the curriculum largely focuses on providing the core skills to students which include mathematics, writing and reading. For this, both the National Mathematics and National Reading Program of the Philippines are providing their support. Through these programs, the students can master mathematics and reading/writing.

The aim is not to just teach the students – the aim is to let them learn. Learning will be done according to the cognitive abilities of the students. There are different competencies that are taught in different grades.

You can see the effort the Philippines Education system is putting into making sure that their students have a complete learning experience. 

Every student is important under MATATAG DEPED order. Inclusion is the central point around which the entire MAKABANSA MATATAG evolves.

While establishing the curriculum, the Philippines Education Department understood that there are students from all religious and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, everyone needs to be kept in mind.

The teaching methodologies are fully student-centric. Their methods even include gender sensitivity. Some of the programs under the curriculum are:

  • Inclusive Education Program: These are for the students who have some disability but want to continue their education in the mainstream classrooms. Proper infrastructural and resource support will be provided to them to ensure they study comfortably with the others.
  • SPED (Special Education Services):  These are specialized programs for students who have special needs. Provision of IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) are also included.
  • Madrasah Education Program: The new currciculum in the Philippines also has a Madrasah Program for Muslims. This allows them to gain both secular and religious knowledge.  

According to the MATATAG k to 10 curriculum guide, there was no mention of skill-based education. However, the MATATAG subjects along with the other teaching methods used ensure that the students gain relevant skills.

Now, what are these skills? These are the skills that are required to survive, compete and win in the international world. Learning bookish knowledge will only get you so far. If you don’t know how to express yourself in front of people by presenting your ideas or don’t learn critical analysis, you will not exceed.

Therefore, the pilot implementation of the MATATAG from 2023-2024 put emphasis on the following 4 broad skills:

  • Media, Technology and Information Skills
  • Innovation and Learning Skills
  • Life and Career Skills
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills

These skills will let the students develop the core competencies required to communicate, collaborate and engage in the world. Moreover, these skills are not limited to jobs and education – they play a vital role in leading a better and more meaningful life.

Gaining an education just for the sake of better grades or bagging a good job leaves you without a sense of purpose and responsibility. The MATATAG summary is all about shaping the students with a positive attitude and value system.

As the slogan states Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa, gives a sense of ownership to the students. They will work to create a sustainable environment all around them.  

DepEd MATATAG Curriculum Objectives

How Can MATATAG Help Students?

An overview of MATATAG shows that it is going to be highly student-friendly. Even though the launching of this curriculum began this year 2024-2025, the pilot survey shows that the curriculum is already helping students in the following ways.

The curriculum presentation puts great emphasis on fundamental subjects like science, mathematics and language. In Stage 1, the children will be taught in both English and Filipino. You can check the English shaping paper in the MATATAG to understand how languages will be taught. Nevertheless, the MATATAG English is very easy.

The idea behind helping students master these foundational and basic skills early on is to make it easier for them to transition to higher skills.

By improving the teaching methods and making the lectures more present by increasing student participation, MATATAG is helping students think.

When students are presented with case studies, world-like situations and problems, they learn to exercise their minds. Brainstorming is an excellent way of teaching students how to think critically without pressuring them.

These two skills – problem-solving and critical thinking are imperative to compete with students worldwide.

While organizing domains of MATATAG, DEPED did not limit the curriculum to academics only. It extends the curriculum to music sports to life skills to physical fitness to values. The focus is on improving and developing the academic, emotional, mental and physical side of the students to make them all-rounders in life.

As this curriculum is student-centric it gives a sense of importance to the students. When the students see that the teachers are going out of their way to make them understand the concepts and teach according to them, they feel more motivated.

The main purpose of MATATAG was to produce all-rounder students. When the teaching methods are innovative and personalized, each student can excel well. This approach of teaching each student as per their level will surely yield better results.

When the students learn all the skills of the 21st century, they can easily contribute to society by doing jobs. The communication, literacy, digital, interpersonal and critical thinking skills help shape their future.


The MATATAG curriculum is a complete educational framework that is made to improve both learning and teaching practices. The fact that it is not limited to academics only shows that DEPED wants to produce individuals who excel in all skills necessary.

Now, it is up to the schools, government and students to ensure that this system is implemented smoothly. It is the time to gear up for a better Filipino student!

Frequently Asked Questions

This curriculum is all about promoting the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of Filipino students, helping them become well-rounded individuals.

The main difference between the two curriculums is how they assess students. The K-12 curriculum focuses on mastering concepts and learning for life. On the other hand, MATATAG makes sure assessments match the learning goals.

It focuses on what really matters by simplifying subjects and concentrating on essential skills like reading, writing, and math. It gives teachers and students more time to focus on learning and understanding, rather than rushing through topics.

This curriculum focuses on key learning goals based on important developmental areas, including literacy, language, communication, thinking skills, social and emotional growth, creativity, physical health, motor skills, and values development.

Ma: Update the curriculum to prepare students to be skilled, responsible, and ready for the workforce.

TA: Take action to make sure students receive quality basic education quickly and efficiently.

TA: Ensure students feel supported by creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.

G: Provide teachers with the resources and support they need to deliver effective lessons.

Too Structured: The curriculum might be so rigid that teachers have little room to tailor lessons to the unique needs and learning styles of their students.

Overemphasis on Testing: Focusing heavily on standardized exams could narrow learning to test preparation instead of fostering a deeper, well-rounded understanding.

Lack of Flexibility: The fixed design might make it hard to include real-world topics, current events, or cross-disciplinary learning opportunities.

Pressure on Teachers: Strict rules and expectations could lead to burnout, leaving teachers feeling stifled and unable to fully engage students.

Outdated Skills Training: In a world that’s changing fast, a rigid curriculum may fall behind, leaving students unprepared for future job markets and challenges.

These issues aren’t unique to the MATATAG—they’re common in many standardized education systems.

The modern job market requires skills that go beyond basic knowledge. MATATAG fosters creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and both emotional and digital intelligence. In addition, it helps learners cultivate global citizenship skills to navigate and respond to worldwide challenges and uncertainties.

The document outlines the objectives and reasoning behind MATATAG in the Philippines. It highlights how the curriculum seeks to equip students with essential 21st-century skills, preparing them to become capable and responsible citizens.

Additionally, it acknowledges the challenges of the previous K-12 program, referencing assessment results to identify areas for improvement.

The “Big Ideas” were defined to emphasize the essential concepts, principles, theories, and processes that should be the main focus of teaching, learning, and evaluation. These key ideas were derived by examining and deconstructing the content and performance standards from the current curriculum guides.

The 4Es of the MATATAG—Engage, Explore, Experience, and Empathize—provide a comprehensive approach to education. By incorporating these elements into the learning journey, educators can foster a more dynamic, meaningful, and compassionate learning environment for students.